
The Guide of Good Practice

Publié le 18 février 2025
Made In E&D
Type : guide / livret / fiche pratique
Objectif : S’éduquer à la citoyenneté et à la SI
Thématiques : Inégalités, Numérique et digital, Interculturalité

The good practice guide “Using digital technology to enhance young people’s civic engagement projects – why and how to have a digital intercultural experience?” aims to provide concrete ways to live out civic engagement online, based on examples of initiatives already implemented (multicultural online exchanges, platforms dedicated to intercultural and associative initiatives, videos on Europe, intercultural games, etc.)

While the questionnaire or study are an initial overview of intercultural practices, this guide serves as a summary of the good practices identified by young people to make relevant and responsible use of digital technology, in favor of interculturality. It also addresses the benefits and limitations of digital use, and offers concrete tools that young people can use to live out their engagement.