The toolkit

The toolkit is the latest output from the Connexion s project, and aims to provide an overview of the benefits and constraints of using digital technology to experience intercultural interactions online, while offering practical recommendations for engaging in civic activities through online platforms. It gives young people the keys to owning and creating their own intercultural online event. Based mainly on the final experimental activity of Connexion s (a hybrid physical/online weekend), we draw conclusions here and suggest concrete ideas for events to suit different needs. 

To create your own hybrid intercultural exchange, check out the toolkit here!

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The objectives of this toolkit

This Toolkit is the final production of the Connexion·s project, an initiative created in 2022, in a post-covid context. It has been co-constructed by 4 associations working in different countries: Tunisian Forum for Youth empowerment in Tunisia, Eclosio in Belgium, Coalition of youth organizations SEGA in Northern Macedonia and Engagé-e-s & Déterminé-e-s (project leader) in France. 

As part of the Erasmus+KA2 (Cooperation Partnership) programme, it is intended to be also a co-construction with young people in order to imagine responsible and inclusive digital alternatives to today’s intercultural experiences.

It also aims to strengthen young people’s civic commitment and participation in democratic life by using digital technology as a tool to promote intercultural experience and inclusive digital use. 

This tool kit aims to provides an overview of the advantages and drawbacks associated with using digital technology for experiencing intercultural interactions online, while also offering practical recommendations to be more engaged in civic activities through online platforms. It underlines also the importance of intercultural experiences for the civic engagement journeys of the youth.


All the partners would like to express their gratitude to all those who have contributed to the Connexion·s project. Your implication and support have been very precious in every step of these two years of commitment. 

Our warmest thanks go to Erasmus+ and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) for their financial support and trust. Without their help, this project would not have been possible.

We would also like to thanks the partners that have actively collaborated all through this project with ECLOSIO in Belgium, Tunisian Forum for Youth Empowerment (TFYE) in Tunisia, Coalition of youth organizations SEGA in Northern Macedonia and the Engagé-e-s & Déterminé-e-s (E&D) team in France. 

We are also extremely grateful to the youth that participated and have enabled this project to have a real impact and meaning. By working together, they contributed to the discussions and the content of the final production. It gave valuable perspective. 

Finally, we would like to thank all the people and organizations mentioned that have been involved at some point in Connexion.s.Your commitment and efforts are a source of inspiration and motivation for us all.

Thank you all for your valuable support and for making this project possible.


The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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